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The Guide to Q4 Promotions

Earlier this month, Amazon kicked off the Q4 Selling period by opening up their Holiday promotions submissions window. Though the submission deadline may seem distant (17th Sept for the USA/AUS and 8th Oct for everywhere else), it’s worth thinking about product selection, promotions, and inventory management well ahead of time. Top Deals, Best Deals, Lightning Deals, and Vouchers all have their merits, so be sure to coordinate deals and advertising strategies to ensure your products are getting seen.

Deals are a great part of the Amazon toolkit, as they provide both short-term and long-term growth benefits. Here are a few of the ways running a deal can help grow your business in Q4:

Improve Discoverability

The Amazon Deals page is one of the most visited pages on the site. Having real estate on the page makes your products easier for customers to discover. Take advantage of Amazon’s marketing efforts (Homepage features, TV and print ads) by running a promotion during Amazon’s marketing calendar.

Increase Click-Through Rate

Products running as deals receive additional badging in search results, helping customers find offers easily.

Increate Product Conversion

Promotions are a great way to compel more visiting customers to buy as temporary price drops can sway those who have been on the fence. Promotions can be used to promote bestsellers or help reduce overstock.

Create a Halo Effect

Many products sell better after a promotion than they did before. A spike in sales velocity can boost a product’s search results page rankings long after the deal ends. 

Q4 2020 was the largest shopping season in Amazon’s history, and this year is sure to follow. If you’d like to learn more about why Deals are an increasingly important part of selling on Amazon or how Expert Edge can support your promotional efforts this year, get in touch today. 

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